samedi 11 avril 2015

Freedom as soon as fucking possible

In the last few months, I've been thinking about selling a lot of my holdings for buying something like a grocery (Metro) or a kintergarden or something else that produces revenues in a stable way. I'm at a point where I want to feel free from work, or, at least, feel a little less obligated to work. In other words, I want a B plan.

Which leads me once again to the real reason why money is important for me: freedom. Freedom to retire as soon as possible and possibility to survive for a good period of time if a bad luck happens. I'm pretty sure I'll have some bad lucks in the future. Sorry to sound so depressed once again, but my ass is full of shit (if you can understand poetry).

I'm completely fucked up when I hear people saying that they're not ready for retirement. Come on, bunch of fuckers! How boring is your life to say such things?

I've been ready for retirement all of my life. I have enough hobbies and interests to get myself occupied. And well, let's admit that my interest for the stock market should occupy me too if I ever retire. It's gonna be my main occupation.

Having money helps me to sleep better (not to sleep well but to sleep with a little less anxiety) because I know that I could get through some bad luck. In fact, I see bad luck right ahead (or at least bad circumstances) and I'm exhausted about how life brings back bad luck each 3 or 4 years.

In fact, I'm pretty exhausted about being dependant about anything at all. Mainly to maintain a job. 

4 commentaires:

  1. With Donville closing access to the Fund, how (if at all) do you think it will affect his appearances on BNN or how forthright he is with the ROE Reporter?

  2. Good question. I've been asking it to myself and the answer is "I don't know". But I think he needs BNN to pump his shares... Each appearance boosts his top picks, so, he gets a good benefit when he goes to the show...

    I think we have the answer.

  3. At least he taught us his methodology, and those of us who are more enterprising can find some of the stocks ourselves.

  4. Yes, his methodology is well documented on his ROE reporter.
