lundi 6 décembre 2021

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Please, use the comment section to write:

1- Where you're from;

2- Your sex;

3- Your age;

4- How long you have been reading my blog;

5- Anything else you want to write. 

Thank you!

29 commentaires:

  1. Ce commentaire a été supprimé par l'auteur.

  2. 1- Where you're from; Spain

    2- Your sex; Male

    3- Your age; 42

    4- How long you have been reading my blog; 2 or 3 years

    5- Anything else you want to write: I am glad your daughter is ok

  3. I'm a 67 year old male who was born and raised in Toronto, who currently lives in Pickering.

    I've started to read your blog around 2013/2014 when we were both enamoured with Jason Donville.

    There is so much bullshit coming from the mainstream media (financial and otherwise) that grassroot blogs like your's are an important source of honest information...I may not always agree with what you say and that's okay...An exchange of ideas is always important. Lastly your blog gave me the idea to start one of my own investing blog.

    The one regret I have is that I came to the world of investing late in life, perhaps in my next lifetime I will start earlier...

    1. Ce commentaire a été supprimé par l'auteur.

    2. I hope nobody will ever agree 100% with me. Investors should think by themselves. Otherwise, they're not real investors. They're just emulators.

  4. 1- Where you're from; saguenay

    2- Your sex; m

    3- Your age; 34

    4- How long you have been reading my blog; 8 months

    5- Anything else you want to write. interesting reading mate, appreciate the honesty, and the rational point of view. I think it helps me in my all new hobby. Merci pour ça!

  5. 1- Where you're from; Montreal

    2- Your sex; Male

    3- Your age; 46

    4- How long you have been reading my blog; since 2017

    5- Anything else you want to write.
    I am reading the blog since my beginning in DIY investing. I discovered from the blog Constellation software, Boyd Group, Five Below and Patrick Industries. I still owned these businesses. Patrick Industries was trading at a P/E ratio below 9 today, by the way

    1. I've written about some very shitty stocks but I've also written about some great one. Good to see that you retain most of the best ones.

  6. 1- Montreal
    2- male
    3- 34
    4- au moins depuis 2015-16 quand tu te promenais avec un ballon québec
    4- j'adore ton humour et ton stock picking. J'aimais bien ta chronique ce que les meilleurs achètent.

    1. Ma chronique "ce que les meilleurs achètent" n'est pas morte mais ça revient souvent au même et, franchement, je trouve que bien des transactions sont dépourvues d'intérêt. Donc je suis moins assidu...

  7. Vancouver
    2-3 years

    I couldn't resist reading your blog because you call yourself, "Master Penetrator." Please reply to me if you're interested in getting to know each other. I just kidding, you pervert, I'm a male.

    1. A master penetrator doesn't care about the sex of another person. A hole is a hole.

  8. Calgary
    reading for 3 years
    Anything else you want to write:God bless you!

  9. Je suis un pauvre trans du Québec de 48 ans. (m'enfin c'étais avant que j'achète mes XPEL à 1$)

    Depuis je suis millionnaire boursier et je suis redevenu un homme.

    Je t'ai trouvé en cherchant les picks de Donville sur Google et depuis je suis les tiens car tu es plus drôle. Je n'ai d'ailleurs plus aucune idée de ce que Jason possède.

    Et puis tient, dans ton style de stock croissance regarde SMLR beau gadget facile payant pour les docs!


    1. As-tu vraiment conservé tes actions XPEL à 1$ depuis le début?

      Merci pour le conseil sur SMLR. Ça a l'air excellent même s'ils ont raté leurs derniers résultats. Ça tombe vraiment dans mon genre de stocks!

    2. Yep! C'est mon meilleur coup à vie mais la compréhension de la business venait d'un autre. A mon premier coup d'œil c'étais un vulgaire applicateur de papier collant à char que j'avais rejeté en lisant son profil.

  10. Huntsville
    Reading for two years
    Thank you for your writings for DIY investors

  11. Oakville
    Many years

    Me son played some hockey with Donville boy which first led me to your blog. You thought of doing a Youtube channel?

    1. I don't think that a Youtube channel would interest people. Also, I have trouble just to write on that blog!

  12. 1- Where you're from; Calgary, AB

    2- Your sex; Male

    3- Your age; 47

    4- How long you have been reading my blog;3 years+

    5- Anything else you want to write. ; I love your blog for being so impartial and transparent. I do not think, I have come across any other blog like this on finance. I always feel I became more knowledgeable after reading your blog. A big big big big Thank you!! Merci!!

  13. 1. eastern europe / Ottawa
    2. attack helicopter
    3. 30
    4. 5+ years
    5. Thanks for sharing your wisdom and humour with us, Penetrator! I am also glad your family is doing OK. As an aside, what are some good songs or bands that you like (perhaps from Quebec - to culturally educate the ignorant plebs such as myself)? I first heard of Joy Division because of your bass clip. I do not really know music and certainly not Canadian bands... and never really listen to any of the ones I know (Neil Young, Billy Talent, BNL, Arcade Fire, Bedouin Soundclash, Men I Trust, etc).

    1. To me, the perfect pop rock album of all-time is "Reckless" from Bryan Adams (who is canadian). Also, on the prog-rock scene, the best canadian album is probably "Moving Pictures" by Rush.

      In Quebec, I think that the most mythical band is "Harmonium" which is a bit of a kind of equivalent to Genesis, but more acoustic. Try to listen to any song from "Harmonium" on Youtube and you'll have a good idea. There's also "Beau Dommage" which was widely popular at the same period (mid 1970's).

  14. 1. Espagne
    2. Mec
    3. 41 ans
    4. 4 ou 5 ans
    5. Je vais te contacter pour voir si tu peux m aider avec un sujet. Cest un truc d investigation dans les USA. Tu accepterais? Cest important pour moi et aussi peut etre bon pour toi.
