lundi 28 février 2022


EPAM systems: down 46% today.

It hurts, but Facebook paved the way to pain for me.

Can you imagine what it could be for an investor from Russia? I mean, EPAM systems operates partly in eastern Europe but also in other countries. Imagine what it could be for a company operating only in Russia...

Life will pretty soon become hell in Russia, whatever Putin tries to do. That economy is going through a sewer system. 

7 commentaires:

  1. Damn, your portfolio has really taken a hit this year. Are you using more of your margin to add to the positions hit hardest?

  2. Not for now. I'll use more margin if the market goes way lower.

    1. These single day moves are so extreme I suppose due to everyone's interest rates calculations I think the safest bet might just be the QQQ

  3. Penetrator will you average down on EPAM?

    1. Hard to predict what will happen to them. Half their workforce can't work right now so no billable hours. It will be difficult to move these employees to other countries and will cost a lot of money. If the war ends soon, then probably a buy, if it doesn't they could be fucked.

  4. Hope you're doing okay Pentetrator.

  5. Where is Waldo? I mean Penetrator. Missing in action?
