jeudi 22 décembre 2022

Last post of 2022

Jason Del Vicario is a real bully. Always teasing, always trying to intimidate. If he hadn't the perfect body and the best sex appeal in canadian finance, I'd tell him to fuck off. 

He recently told me to stop whining on my blog and start writing again. Yes, he's right. What about whining? Who fucking cares? I don't even care about my own tragedies. Fuck my tragedies, but fuck yours too. Actually, fuck yours much more than mine. 

I don't care about you because I don't even fucking know you exist, you anonymous reader. 

I'll be back in 2023, angrier than ever about life, investment and everything. Because the good thing about sadness is that it sometimes becomes anger and I'm a good anger generator. 

Since it's supposed to be a financial blog, let's just say that my portfolio is down almost 24% so far this year. 

More precisions at the beginning of 2023. 

3 commentaires:

  1. My portfolio is down 24% too. I'm your twin but I'm not angry. Love you. Merry Christmas brother!

  2. Next time Vicario is on Market Call, phone in and defame him. It's your blog and you can cry if you want to.
